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I have more than 100 division I want to load all transaction lines rows into dataverse table what is the best approach. is there any approach to track deleted transatctions GLaccount

Hi ​@muthuEOL 
While we don't have an out-of-the-box solution that would help you push data from Exact Online to Dataverse directly, we do offer connectors for both Exact Online and Dataverse which you can either use in tandem with some 3rd party ETL tool or to build a custom solution depending on the technology of your choice. As you may already know our connectors are supported in various editions such as ADO, JDBC, ODBC, SSIS, Python etc. As you can understand, there is no best approach as this would depend on what technology you are most familiar with and the complexity of the project. That said o you have any ETL solution in mind for this project? 

In case you want to learn more on how to accomplish this I would recommend you explore our offerings and if you have any questions you may reach out to the CData support team at [email protected].

Regarding the second query, the only thing that the Exact Online API offers in regards to getting deleted records is the Deleted API endpoint which can be used only with the Sync API. In order to make use of this via one of our drivers you will need to enable the UseSyncAPI connection property and after that you should be able to see the Deleted view exposed:


You can read more about the Deleted API endpoint below: 

Note: the log of records deleted is saved for 2 months. Data older than 2 months is automatically deleted and therefore also not available anymore via the deleted API.

The Deleted API only provides the EntityKey and some metadata (e.g., DeletedBy, DeletedDate, and EntityType).
It does not provide detailed information about the deleted record (e.g., GLAccount, ReportingPeriod, etc.).
Historical Tracking: so in this case do i need to keep all transactionline information in  dataverse table ?
this is very frustrating because i need to keep upto date data in ReportingBalance Dataverse table 
so recalculate the figures in Reportingbalance i need Transaction info but this is not available in Exact online since its already deleted. 

for this how to overcome this situation without dumping Transactionline record 


Hi ​@muthuEOL 

Unfortunately, that is all what the Exact Online API offers regarding Deleted records. It does not seem like they have a way to extract full records that were deleted at least from the public API documentation I was not able to find anything else apart from the Delete API. As you know our product is built on top of the API so as long as the API does not support this functionality there is nothing we can do on our end.

You may want to reach out to the Exact Online team and inquire if they intend to implement such functionality in their API.
