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CData Sync API Job Statuses

  • 17 August 2023
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There are a number of job statuses that you might encounter when using the CData Sync API, with the most common ones being the ones listed below.  

  • Starting: Every job briefly goes through this status when it first begins running. However, it is very unlikely that you would ever see this as a final status, or one that continues for an extended period of time. 

  • Testing: At the start of every job, we test both the source and destination connection being used in that job. This is done to ensure that all credentials are up to date, and that any API tokens are refreshed. Occasionally, the source or destination connectors may have an expired token that would cause this to linger longer than usual. However, most of the time this will be a very brief moment in the job. 

  • In progress: This is often the longest running job status, as it includes all the time when Sync is executing the tasks included in a particular job. However, you are unlikely to ever see this as a final status. 

  • Failed: This status means that some, if not all, tasks in a job failed. Usually this status will include the specific number of failed tasks, such as "7 of 13 Tasks Failed" 

  • Successful: This means that all tasks completed successfully. 

  • Error: This can be encountered for a number of reasons, but would most likely occur due to a failed connection test.