I have a REST Connector.
On Error, I would like to Notify admins.
I’d like to include the body of the Response in the email message.

The documentation for the Notify connector says you can use ArcScript.
But it doesn’t seem to do anything: The email I get is
File ES501_JE501_IN323078978944_ITMREF_20230720221100_20230720224809_47c0ddca-729b-43a6-833d-4466c9d422b11.json was routed to notification connector Notify2.
<arc:set attr="in.file" value="afilepath]" /> <arc:call op="fileRead" in="in" out="out" >
<!-- Here is where you can access the content of the file via the 'file:data' param. -->
<arc:set attr="output.data" value="aout.file:data]" />
We attempted to send this to Atlas
How do I use ArcScript in the message?