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Hello ALL, 


I have new requirement, 

From Customer they use API to send data and i need to receive the data, convert to XML ( CDM Customized data format) send it SWAG system via AS2. 

And is same way, i will be receiving the XML file from SWAG system via AS2, need to convert to customer JASON format and POST the data to Customer using API. 


Please help to advice how i should be use the API, i never used API before, all i was familiar with connections like AS2 SFTP FTP’s. 


Hence i cant able to understand API in term of connection method. 


Thanks for your time and consideration. 





Hey @Pradeep 

Thanks for writing to us. This sounds like something that can better be discussed over a meeting. Someone from our team should reach out to you shortly to set up a meeting and discuss further.



Ankit Singh
Manager - Solutions Engineering
CData Software

I’ll add that if you are looking to implement API communications in CData Arc, there are two connectors that you can make use of to implement a simple API. 


The Webhook connector at can be used to publish a simple API endpoint that you can receive requests at in Arc.


This webhook endpoint will authenticate the user with a simple authtoken mechanism and authenticated users can post data to you in either JSON or XML format (if your end goal is to map that data to XML Map, you can use the JSON connector to convert the payload to XML). 


If you wish to consume an API, the REST connector at can be used as an HTTP client to post content to an API endpoint - it is similar in design to POSTMan. Similar to POSTMan, knowledge of the payload structure and authentication mechanism for your API endpoint will be required to successfully consume the API.

Please note that both the Webhook and REST connectors are generic implementations of server side and client side API functionality. This offers you a lot of versatility in determining the API payload, but this also leaves the parsing and preparation of those payloads to you as the flow developer.
