Error from Workday SSIS connector extention question
Hi Ethem,
thanks for your replay, i have updated the latest drivers in my system. after that i can see the WQL extension objects. all objects i can see but
however i am seeing some more problem in this query i am attaching error image for your reference.
and also one more is, please suggest how to get all the objects listed in workday, same like in sql server usually SELECT * FROM information_schema.Tables sintax used to get all objects
similar kind of thing any sintax is it available in Workday?
kidnly advise.
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HI @Renukachari_Kasee
The "Received error from Workday: Invalid WQL query: The entered information does not meet the restrictions defined for this field" is a generic error message coming from Workday that can be thrown due to various reasons.
One cause that comes to mind is that in your case the IN clause is not being honored for the company_prompt field. This can happen since company_prompt is a single-value prompt. Can you try setting the 'SplitSingleValuePrompts' property to True in your connection configuration and see if anything changes for you?
Another reason might be lack of permissions to access data for certain company_Prompts. Also, are you able to get data when you specify a single company_Prompt where the company_Prompt is a workdayId that you can access as in the following example?
SELECT * FROM AdHocPayments WHERE company_Prompt='..........'
Note that the company.Descriptor does not match the company_prompt. The format of the company_Prompt value is that of an ID, more specifically it matches with the values returned for the workdayId column.
Keep in mind that you will also need to ensure that you have the correct permissions to access the data for all company_Prompts if you want to use the original query so you will need to double-check with your Workday Admin on that.
In case any of the above does not help, the next best course of action would be to enable logging by setting the Logfile and Verbosity properties, in order to determine how the query is being sent and what exactly triggers the error with the Invalid WQL query. The logs will definitely provide more context on the issue. To enable logging set Logfile to a file path where the logfile will be written to (ex Logfile=C:/Users/Public/CDataWorkday.txt) and Verbosity=3.That said, I would invite you to submit a ticket with our support team with the details of the issue and after that someone from our support team will follow up with a secure link where you can upload the logfile.
As for the second inquiry, we do expose certain system tables that will give you schema information as well as details on all the tables and views existing in Workday. To get a list of all the tables and views you can use the following:
SELECT * FROM sys_tables
If you want to get additional information like the name of the columns and other details for each table you can run a query as follows:
SELECT * FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='....'
thanks for your response, i have a admin level of access
however i have followed as you suggested, kindly check the below screenshot
now i am getting http protocol error. kindly advise.
Below screenshot kind of popup will allow me to view the report in workday but coming to ssis cdata drivers its throughing an error. please suggest
Renukachari kasee
Redwood Software inc
Hi @Renukachari_Kasee I wanted to reach out to you here on the community page as I have had issues reaching you at your email. Do you have an alternate email I can reach out to you with to further discuss the Zendesk SSIS component issue you are encountering? Thank you!