
All the transaction lineitems not loading in Netsuite suiteql

  • 5 February 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 2

Hey tribe,

I am running into a major problem while using Cdata sync to load tables through suiteql. For transactions table as an example, Many line items are not loading for a particular date range even though I made the relevant configuration and added the filters in my query.

Sometimes I have to specifically type the tranid and load the same to get those lineitems. Doing this over and over again has become tiresome and is taking away the automated nature of the Fact tables we’ve built surrounding this. 

Is there something we can do to resolve this? Like adjusting the batch size or something? Looking out for your help :)


Best answer by Ethem Q 16 February 2024, 00:53

View original

3 replies

Userlevel 6

Hello Sirius,

I can see how missing line items in your transactions table when using CData Sync to load data via SuiteQL can be quite frustrating. I'll make sure to reach out to the support team on your behalf to get a more concrete answer. In the meantime, here are a few steps and considerations that might help alleviate the issue:

  1. Review Your SuiteQL Query: It's essential to ensure that your SuiteQL query is correctly structured to capture all necessary data. Sometimes, small nuances in query syntax or logic can result in missing data. Testing your query directly in the NetSuite SuiteQL editor to verify that it returns the expected results when run manually can be very helpful.

  2. Check Date Range Configuration: Make sure the configuration of your date range filter is correctly set up. The date format or the logic used to define the range might not be capturing all the transactions you expect.

  3. Adjust Batch Size: Dealing with large volumes of data might mean that adjusting the batch size could help. Smaller batch sizes can lead to more calls but might ensure that all data is captured, especially if you're hitting API limits or timeouts. On the flip side, if your batches are too small, increasing them might improve efficiency, provided you're not exceeding API limits.

  4. Consider Incremental Loads: Rather than loading all data within a large date range at once, breaking down the process into smaller, incremental loads can help isolate issues and ensure that you're not missing data due to process timeouts or other interruptions.

  5. Examine CData Sync Settings: It's worth diving into the specific settings and configurations within CData Sync related to error handling, logging, and retry mechanisms. Optimizing these settings for your specific use case can help in capturing all data reliably.

I understand how resolving such issues requires a bit of patience and persistence. I'll update you as soon as I have a response from the support team. In the meantime, please keep us posted on your progress and don't hesitate to share any further challenges or breakthroughs you encounter. We're here to support each other in enhancing our automation and efficiency.

Userlevel 2

Hey John,

Did you hear anything from the support team?

Userlevel 5

Hi @sirius 

From a few generic tests on our side we were unable to see any issues with missing transactions data here. Would you be able to share the exact query that you are running and what time range you are referring to for the affected transactions? Are you filtering with trandate or another datetime column?

Also, for this kind of issues it is important to review the verbose logs for the Job in question in order for us to analyze the data and gather more insight on what is causing the issue for you. That being said, it would be very helpful if you could capture those logs and send them over by first submitting a ticket with our support team at and share all the relevant details of the issue.
