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Replicating data from Netsuite to Snowflake using cData is failing

  • 17 May 2024
  • 1 reply

I am currently using cData Sync to replicate data from NetSuite Tables to Snowflake. However, I am encountering issues with two critical tasks within my job, which consists of 24 tasks in total.

The error messages for the failing tasks are as follows:


1.>0] 500] Could not execute the specified command: Can not view record


2.>0] ]500] Could not execute the specified command: Failed to cache row w5247] Can not view record StackTrace: at aso230l.nT.Next() at aso230l.mH.Next() at aso230l.mb.Next() at aso230l.mY.Next() at aso230l.mQ.Next() at aso230l.Kz.q(DbCommand , DataTable , IResultSet , ColumnInfof] , Int323] , jsb )


These errors are hindering the successful completion of my data replication process, and it is critical for my project that these tasks run smoothly.

Please advise .

1 reply

Userlevel 5

Hi @cdata_user 

The error message you are getting "Could not execute the specified command: Can not view record" appears to be quite a generic one. The first thing that comes to mind is that this might be related to permission issues coming from the source however more investigation is needed to further determine the cause of the issues during replication. That being said, what happens when you try to Preview the data for the two problematic tasks? Do you see the same error when previewing the tables?

Additionally, would you be able to share the details of the tasks that are failing for your Job? If you can provide the names of the tables you are trying to replicate along with any relevant information that might be helpful, we can run some tests on our end and see if we can get a reproduction case. 

I would also encourage you to submit a support ticket with our support team here in case you would like to have one of our Sync team members work with you towards a faster resolution.
