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This is a short example to demonstrate how to access Data Virtuality via an ODBC connection in F#. Please keep in mind that this is not an F#/.NET code and the sample just shows a basic approach for the ODBC connection.


The system which shall access Data Virtuality Server needs to have at least the ODBC drivers installed. A DSN connection is also possible but requires the ODBC drivers as well. They can be obtained from the web server which is implemented in Data Virtuality (see


Simple code sample:

The following sample creates a connection string based on a DSN. It is then used for a new ODBC connection and the program executes the query "SELECT * FROM" on this connection.

Afterwards, the name of the first column of the result set is retrieved and all values for this column are printed.


open System

open System.Data.Odbc



let main argv =

    let connectionString = "DSN=DataVirtuality_32_A;username=admin;pw=admin;"

    let dvConn = new OdbcConnection(connectionString)


    let qComm = new OdbcCommand("SELECT * FROM",dvConn)


    let result = qComm.ExecuteReader()


    let firstColumn = result.GetName(0)

    printfn "%A" firstColumn

    while result.Read() do printfn "%A" (result.GetValue(0))   







    0 // return an integer exit code



The point thing is the connection string which can be build based on a DSN or an ODBC driver

Connect via DSN

let connectionString = "DSN=DataVirtuality_32_A;username=admin;pw=admin;"


Connect via Driver and other information

let connectionString = "driver={DataVirtuality ANSI}; server=dv; port=35432; database=datavirtuality; uid=admin;pwd=admin";

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