This error is connected to the DEVELOPER_TOKEN_PROHIBITED error. As per this guide, it states that :
Each Google API Console project can be associated with the developer token from only one manager account. Once you make a Google Ads API request, the developer token is permanently paired to the Google API Console project. If switching to a developer token under a new manager account, you'll need to create a new Google API Console project for Google Ads API requests that use the new manager's token. If you do not use a new Google API Console project, you'll get a DEVELOPER_TOKEN_PROHIBITED error when making a request.
There are two ways you can connect to our driver:
Embedded Credentials: This will allow you to connect utilizing our embedded credentials without needing to set the DeveloperToken. Simply set InitiateOAuth=GETANDREFRESH and leave these connection properties blank: OAuthClient ID, OAuthClientSecret, DeveloperToken.
Custom OAuth App with Developer Token: To use this method, acquire a developer token and set up a new Google API Console project with OAuth credentials.
To obtain a developer token, you will need to create a Google Ads Manager account and connect it to your Google Ads account. A manager account can be created here:
Upon signing into your manager account, you can navigate to TOOLS & SETTINGS -> SETUP -> API Center. Here, you can request a developer token, and although it will be pending Google's approval, you can still use the pending token in the driver. The token must be approved by Google before it can be used with production Google Ads accounts, however.
The DEVELOPER_TOKEN_PROHIBITED error is thrown by Google and indicates that at some point, there was a request to your OAuth credentials made by a different developer token. Unfortunately, this restriction is imposed by Google, and it has caused the OAuth credentials to be locked. More about this error is explained in the link below.
GOOGLE Adswords: Developer token is not allowed with project
According to Google, the only way to solve this is to go to the Google API Console and create new OAuth credentials, as explained below.
CData JDBC Driver for Google Ads - Creating a Custom OAuth App
Kindly ensure to include the new information in your connection string, including your Client ID and Client Secret.
You can also specify the ClientCustomerId and the ManagerId which you can find in your Google Ads API center. Please follow the link below to learn more about the Connection Properties of our driver.
Please reach out to [email protected] if this does not resolve the problem for you.