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Sage Intacct – Single Page Performance Concerns

  • 29 January 2024
  • 0 replies

When querying for Sage Intacct data, you may experience slow performance with certain pages returned from Sage Intacct’s API. Typically, the performance of our Connectors is limited to the performance of the data source’s API. However, there are measures we can put into place to improve performance on our end and avoid any timeout errors on single pages. 


Below you will find a couple of our suggestions in improving performance when retrieving data using any of our Sage Intacct Connectors. 


  1. Limit the number of fields selected in your query 


When executing a query, it is recommended to only include the fields necessary in your SELECT clause. When querying tables, Intacct may need to generate several JOIN queries on the backend to fulfill the request, which can lead to significantly longer load times. 


Therefore, instead of executing a query with SELECT *, it is best practice to restrict the columns you are selecting to a minimum. By only including the fields required, this can help avoid potential timeouts and increase overall performance. 


  1. Decrease the value of Pagesize 


It can be helpful to increase the value of the Pagesize connection property, as this will return more results per page. However, with a higher Pagesize, a single page returned from Sage Intacct may take a long time to load. If Sage Intacct takes too long to retrieve all the necessary records, the query will fail with a timeout error. Therefore, we recommend decreasing the Pagesize value to avoid any potential timeouts on specific pages. 


To note, when making changes to the Pagesize property (and any other connection property), please make sure to restart any applications using the Connector to ensure the changes take effect. 


If you are still experiencing delayed performance with a single page, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist. 


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