Error opening file for writing (SQLite.Interop.dll) when trying to install upgrade for CData Arc

Userlevel 3
  • Community Manager
  • 12 replies

When trying to install an upgrade to CData Arc, an error is encountered midway through the installer:  


Error opening file for writing: 




Click Abort to stop the installation, 

Retry to try again, or 

Ignore to skip this file. 




Cause: You will see this error if you attempt to upgrade an instance of CData Arc that is running in IIS at the time of the upgrade – the dll in question is locked by the IIS process. 

To proceed, simply open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and stop the Application Pool for Arc: 



Once the application is stopped, click Retry to proceed with the installation, and when complete, Start the application pool to start the upgraded Arc service. 

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