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Cdata Sync - 10 Suggested features.

Greetings as I use more and more of CData Sync in our environment. I’ve jotted down features I would like to see in future editions of CData Sync.


1. Feature: New tab in the Overview, Task, Job History... Called lNotes]

Use case: Admins have a dedicated section to store notes, instructions, or command-related information about the overall job. This can be particularly useful for maintaining documentation, troubleshooting, or sharing important details with other team members working on the same job.

2. Feature: Under Task, a new button called lAdvanced Task Editor/Viewer]. This feature works like the "Add Task" functionality, allowing users to enter multiple task statements separated by semicolons.

Use case: Enabling bulk editing or viewing of all task commands in a single interface provides users with a comprehensive overview of the tasks within a job. This can be beneficial for identifying potential issues, making coordinated changes across multiple tasks, or reviewing the overall logic and flow of the job's tasks.

3. Feature: Under Task, a new button called lRow Count Check]. This feature counts the number of rows in the Source and Destination systems and compares the difference in count.

Use case: Allowing users to quickly verify and compare the current row counts between the Source and Destination systems can aid in identifying potential data discrepancies or issues with the data transfer process. This feature can be particularly useful for validating data integrity and ensuring that the job is operating as expected.

4. Feature: In the Last Run status section, allow admins to set a sCleared] status within the UI h...] ellipsis menu.

Use case: For non-scheduled jobs that may have encountered a task failure, admins can mark the status as "Cleared" to indicate that the issue has been addressed or acknowledged. This can help prevent other admins from unnecessarily investigating the same issue and ensure better communication and coordination within the team.

5. Feature: Add the ability to sort and filter jobs based on their Enabled or Disabled Schedule status.

Use case: Users may want to quickly locate and focus on either enabled or disabled jobs, depending on their specific needs or priorities. Providing sorting and filtering options based on the schedule status can streamline the job management process and improve overall workflow efficiency.

Jobs >> Task Edit

6. Feature: New tab in the Overview, Columns, Advanced... Called Add/Alter Columns]

Use case: When using operations like "Drop Table" or "Truncate Table," the final table may not be created correctly, potentially leading to issues with column configurations (e.g., collations, computed columns). The "Add/Alter Columns" feature would allow users to have more granular control over the destination table creation process, enabling them to modify column properties or add new columns as needed. This can help prevent problems that may arise when the table needs to be created or loaded, ensuring better data integrity and compatibility.


7. Feature: New tab in the Settings, Advanced called dDependencies] which shows what Jobs are dependent on the current Source/Destination connection, with hyperlinks to the respective Jobs for easy navigation.

Use case: By providing visibility into the Jobs that are dependent on a particular Source or Destination connection, users can better understand the impact of any changes or maintenance activities related to that connection. The hyperlinks to the dependent Jobs can further facilitate quick access and management of those Jobs.


8. Feature: New Tab, Sessions] allows you to set the session logoff timeout and displays a list of currently logged-in users.

Use case: The default session timeout may not always align with user preferences or organizational requirements. Providing the ability to adjust the session logoff timeout can enhance user experience and ensure that users' sessions remain active for the desired duration. Additionally, displaying a list of currently logged-in users can aid in monitoring and managing active sessions, promoting better security and resource management.


9. Feature: Under Queries, a new button called tAdvanced Query Editor/Viewer]. This feature works like the "Add Query" functionality, allowing users to enter multiple query statements separated by semicolons.

Use case: Enabling bulk editing or viewing of all query commands in a single interface provides users with a comprehensive overview of the queries within a transformation. This can be beneficial for identifying potential issues, making coordinated changes across multiple queries, or reviewing the overall logic and flow of the transformation's queries. Additionally, users can easily copy and paste the queries into an SQL Editor Manager for testing and validation purposes.

10. Feature: Add the ability to sort and filter transformations based on their Enabled or Disabled status.

Use case: Users may want to quickly locate and focus on either enabled or disabled transformations, depending on their specific needs or priorities. Providing sorting and filtering options based on the transformation status can streamline the management process and improve overall workflow efficiency.

Hello ninken! Loving this insight. Thank you so much for providing your perspective and this feedback is essential for us to continue to improve the Sync tool!

@ninken  , may I suggest that you break these out into individual suggestion posts?  That way they can be upvoted and prioritized individually.  Thank you.

Having said that, some comments inline below.  :-)

1. Feature: New tab in the Overview, Task, Job History... Called dNotes]

» Love it - would upvote

3. Feature: Under Task, a new button called aRow Count Check]. This feature counts the number of rows in the Source and Destination systems and compares the difference in count.

» Yes, but verify that before doing the check.  What if my source/target tables contained 500 million rows?  Could be expensive/long-running.  So if you click the button, it should give you a prompt like “could take some time, are you sure?”  Additionally, if the source/target in question supports a metadata-based inquiry of row count (rather than a brute force SELECT COUNT(*) ), that would be preferable.

5. Feature: Add the ability to sort and filter jobs based on their Enabled or Disabled Schedule status.


» Like it, would upvote

6. Feature: New tab in the Overview, Columns, Advanced... Called nAdd/Alter Columns]

» Mixed feelings about this one.  I’ve found myself needing something similar from time to time, but wonder how the complexity would work vs. Sync’s existing capability to detect and resolve schema differences.  Might be too unwieldy to code this feature.


7. Feature: New tab in the Settings, Advanced called iDependencies] which shows what Jobs are dependent on the current Source/Destination connection, with hyperlinks to the respective Jobs for easy navigation.

» I think this has already been suggested.  I would upvote it.


8. Feature: New Tab, sSessions] allows you to set the session logoff timeout and displays a list of currently logged-in users.

» I’ve wanted to adjust the timeout too, but never taken the time to figure out if/how it were possible.  So that part would be handy.  As far as seeing all the sessions… not sure the juice is worth the squeeze, so to speak.