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5 days back  I get rows from Reporting balance and stored in one excel again I fetch same rows from reporting balance but i noticed that ID is changed for some rows Eg :228473716 where previously for one row but the same row ID is differed now like 2284765654

Based on GLAccountCode Division and Reporting year I am fetching the rows 

any reason for this ? how to track this which row is changed ?


Hi @muthuEOL 

From your description, it would seem like you are having issues with certain records for the ReportingBalance view when connecting to Exact Online. Before looking further into this it is important to clarify what CData tool you are using along with your use case. With that in mind, are you perhaps using the Connect Cloud add-in to load data from the Exact Online connection into Excel? 

Returning to the issue you have reported, the Exact Online connector makes use of the Exact Online API and when loading data from the ReportingBalanaces view it would hit the ReportingBalance endpoint which would return the response data from the server. This means that the values returning for the Id column should be what the server is returning. The only reason why some record might be missing could be in case of a deleted record. However, in order to make sure if the server is returning the correct data or see if something might have changed you might want to enable logging in Connect Cloud or in any other CData product you might be using.

In case you are seeing any discrepancy in the logs feel free to reach out to the [email protected] and submit a support ticket so that our team can investigate further.

I checked that reporting balance row is deleted how to track this which row is deleted because I am syncing data from exact online to excel 
