When I run SF_Replicate on my tables with lots of fields, like Account and Case, it fails. SF_Mirror also fails, and I can’t run SF_Refresh because there’s been a field added so it just tries to run SF_Replicate anyway. The message output looks like this:
--- Starting SF_Replicate for Account V5.1.8
12:58:41: Parameters: Salesforce Account Version: V5.1.8
12:58:41: DBAmpAZ Copyright c 2021 CData Software, Inc.
12:58:41: Using options specified in Options parameter: soap
12:58:42: Using settings from Registry.
12:58:42: Using FullCopy to replicate the Account table.
12:58:42: Server: DL-7KVJRL3, Database: olddbamp, Linked Server: Salesforce
12:58:42: Using the Salesforce SOAP API.
12:58:43: Opening SQL Server rowset
12:58:43: Error: Commit failed.
Source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0
Description: The statement has been terminated.
Source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0
Description: Cannot create a row of size 8107 which is greater than the allowable maximum row size of 8060.
12:58:43: Error: DBAmp.exe was unsuccessful.
12:58:43: Error: Command string is C:\"Program Files"\DBAmp\DBAmpAZ.exe FullCopy "Account" "SQLSERVER" "SALESFORCE" "Salesforce backups" "soap"
--- Ending SF_Replicate. Operation FAILED.
Error: SF_Replicate failed for table Account