CData, "Data Connectivity: The Missing Link for IT"

  • 16 January 2024
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  • Community Manager
  • 22 replies

In the ever-evolving world of data management, we are all in the same boat, navigating through a sea of data sources and security challenges. The recent report from CData,"Data Connectivity: The Missing Link for IT,” paints a vivid picture of this landscape. As we dive into the findings, I would love to hear your thoughts on these burning issues. 

The survey asked 550 Operations and IT decision-makers at organizations over 200 employees about their data access pain points. This is what we discovered: 

  • Organizations are managing dozens to hundreds of different data sources. 

  • Ops professionals feel ill-equipped to access and analyze their data, but don’t want to bother IT with burdensome requests for data. This often leads them to ignore critical data sets in their decision-making processes. 

  • As it stands, IT is already struggling to fulfill an increasing number of data requests, and technical hurdles and security concerns over shared data are the main culprits.  

Managing data ecosystems today is like being a juggler at a circus, trying to keep all balls in the air. Are you facing similar challenges at your organization, or have you found a way to simplify this complexity? Tell us in the comments what works for you!  

Data security is clearly a priority for most organizations, but with 61% of IT professionals stressing over data security while sharing data internally, it is clear we are all walking a tightrope. How are you balancing data accessibility and security in your organization? Any tips or tricks you have discovered that could benefit the community? 

Now, let us talk about solutions. Cloud-based data virtualization seems to be the knight in shining armor. It simplifies access for Ops pros, enhances security for IT’s peace of mind, and does away with cumbersome data pipelines – a win-win-win for all! Have you experimented with this approach?  

Let us make this more than just a discussion. I challenge you to share your stories, insights, and even the hurdles you are facing. Your experiences could resonate with someone else in the community, and the discussion could benefit everyone who’s in the same boat.  

Your voice and insights are valuable – let’s start the conversation and learn from each other! 


Download the report 



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