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I am getting below error when connecting to mongoDB instance using kerberos.

Failed to authenticate database 'instrument', Cannot invoke "XcoreXmongodbX220X8326.qff.c(String)" because the return value of "XcoreXmongodbX220X8326.igf.a()" is null.


connection string used: jdbc:mongodb:AuthScheme=GSSAPI;;Port=27040;UseSSL=True;;KerberosTicketCache=C:\Users\R654476\krb5cc_R654476;SSLServerCert=*;,;logFile=I:\OMNI-DB2-CERTIFICATES\mongodb-driver.log;Verbosity=5;AuthDatabase=%24external;readPreference=primary;Database=instrument;


driver class name: cdata.jdbc.mongodb.MongoDBDriver

Hi @skuchibhotla,


Based on the connection string provided, it seems like you are missing some connection properties that are required in order to authenticate utilizing Kerberos, such as: KerberosKDCKerberosSPNUser and Password.


Kindly refer to this documentation to make sure that you are authenticating correctly:
