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Hi Cdata folks,

Cdata driver latest version v23

Weird thing is that SQL Analysis Services JDBC Driver detects all column as VARCHAR no matter what type of the model column:


This is the model in Visual Studio:

Before importing, the data type is also detected correctly in Visual Studio:



But in meta data, type for all columns is VARCHAR
This is how I get the metadata:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ssas:AuthScheme=BASIC;User=user;Password=pwd;URL=http://HOST/OLAP/msmdpump.dll;");
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData = conn.getMetaData();

try(ResultSet columns = databaseMetaData.getColumns("TabularProject3","Model","Table","integer")){
while( {


In document, there is no other connection string param that I think can apply to change how Cdata driver detects column type.Am I missing anything else?


Hello @quangdutran809 , we're trying to reproduce the issue on our end. Meanwhile could you please send us the verbosity 5 logfile so that we can better troubleshoot the issue? To generate the logs, 

please set the following connection properties on the connection manager/JDBC URL and send it to us:
-Set “Logfile” to an accessible valid file (i.e C:\Users\<user>\Desktop\logfile.txt).
-Set “Verbosity” to 5.

This log file will allow us to see exactly what data is being sent between our driver and the data source, which will give us a better idea of what may be causing the issue. It also includes the full response from the data provider. Knowing this will let me have a much better idea of what exactly the issue is, and how to best go about resolving it. Rerun the query and send us the resulting log so that I can narrow down the issue.

Also, you can email us the logfiles and other details at [email protected] which would make the process much easier for us.
