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I’m getting the following exception when trying to run the following code.  Does the driver support the Trino JSON type?  I don’t see json referenced in GetResultTypeData method source.

string sql = "SELECT _id, CAST(extra_columns AS JSON) as extra_columns FROM hive.default.measures";

PrestoCommand cmd = new PrestoCommand(sql, connection);

PrestoDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();


Test method Juniper.Test.Trino.TrinoClientTests.PrestoAdoRead threw exception:
System.Data.CData.Presto.PrestoException: c500] Could not execute the specified command: Unknown datatype: JSON. ---> oro230j.TC: Unknown datatype: JSON.

Stack Trace: 
ZN.GetResultDataType(FormulaEvaluationContext )
RqC.K(SqlFormulaColumn )
RqC.mI(SqlTable , SqlColumn )
Rod.C(SqlCollection`1 )
Rod.Nd(LLB`2 )
Roh.Nd(LLB`2 )
KJ.U(SQLQuery , Int32 , RRq )
KJ.d(IDataStatement , SQLQuery , QueryParameterCollection , Int32 , String , LeW )
RUJ.ExecuteQuery(IDataStatement , QueryParameterCollection , Int32 )
RUG.ExecuteQuery(IDataStatement , QueryParameterCollection , Int32 )
<9 more frames...>
PrestoCommand.ExecuteDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
PrestoCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
<PrestoAdoRead>d__5.MoveNext() line 106
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
ThreadOperations.ExecuteWithAbortSafety(Action action)


Our SQL engine does not support casting to a JSON type at this time. However, this looks like a syntax that Presto does support so to work around the issue here you might want to use NativeQuery.

SELECT * FROM NativeQuery(‘SELECT id, CAST(extra_columns AS JSON) FROM MTableName]’)


You can read more about it here: 


In case you have any other questions or issues feel free to send those over at [email protected] or you can always submit a support case here.
