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I am trying to use CData Rest Task to call a Rest API from Azure DevOps.  The goal will be to pull the capacity information from the call.

When I enter the URI into the into URI field  under the connection section and select test connection I get the following error message.  

 I am sure that I am doing something wrong here but not being a developer I am a little lost here. 

Any help would be appreciate.  If you need additional information I would be happy to provide it. 

John Flood

Hey @John Flood 

You could use CData Azure DevOps SSIS Components for this as well:, which should make it easier for you to connect to the Azure DevOps instance without going through the trouble of creating the URI yourself.

Is there any specific reason you are using the REST connector for this?

The Capacity extract is only available via the Rest API.



Hi @John Flood 

CData Azure DevOps SSIS Connectors should support connecting to the REST APIs along with Analytics API. If you don’t see an object like Capacities being exposed in the REST data model using Azure DevOps SSIS Components, you can raise a request with our Tech support team for this: CData - Support Form.

What you tested with the REST connector, requires further investigation and would be best directed to our Tech support team at  CData - Support Form.
